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Mom and I Just Us

After the foursome with Derek’s girlfriend and father, he and his mother Marcy get a night for themselves.

Continues the story begun in “Mom and I Get Even”.

$1.99 ebook at U.S. sites:

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Fourth Year After Now in Print [OBSOLETE]

[OBSOLETE] – Streetlib has pulled the paperback version due to content in violation of Amazon standards.  While they promise to eventually make it available for sale again at the Streetlib storefront, I have no idea when that will be.  Meanwhile, Amazon does still have two printed copies available for sale.  (as of May 7, 2018).

Fourth Year After, the final volume of the “Our Love, After Dad Died” series, is now available in a paperback edition.


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Mom and I Get Even

Derek has a tendency to date women who look like his mom, Marcy.  He and his latest girlfriend Angie have an open relationship, as they finish their Senior years at separate colleges.

Coming home for Thanksgiving, Derek and Marcy walk in on his dad Stan and Angie having sex and back out of the room unseen.  They then go upstairs and revelations explode across the family as Derek and Marcy get even…

$1.99 at U.S. Sites:

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