It has been a while since I did one of these. Mainly, since moving the blog to its own domain meant that I no longer have access to the stats for the old location, it’s hard to compare progress. Now I have a few months of stats at this location, so I can see a trend.
The good news is that in each month since the move, the stats for the blog have increased, despite not releasing a new book. Last month was the first to exceed 1000 hits in the month since the move.
Pursuing a newsletter has been fun, although the mailing list still needs to grow some more. I do think I’ve had sales that I can point to the newsletter as the source, so that part’s great!
I’m trying to get through some writer’s block issues on my current work-in-progress, titled “Package Deal”, so I can get it released fairly soon. If you want to see a sample, check out Newsletter #9.