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Blog Status – July 2020

It has been a while since I did one of these. Mainly, since moving the blog to its own domain meant that I no longer have access to the stats for the old location, it’s hard to compare progress. Now I have a few months of stats at this location, so I can see a trend.

The good news is that in each month since the move, the stats for the blog have increased, despite not releasing a new book. Last month was the first to exceed 1000 hits in the month since the move.

Pursuing a newsletter has been fun, although the mailing list still needs to grow some more. I do think I’ve had sales that I can point to the newsletter as the source, so that part’s great!

I’m trying to get through some writer’s block issues on my current work-in-progress, titled “Package Deal”, so I can get it released fairly soon. If you want to see a sample, check out Newsletter #9.

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Retailer update – 24Symbols

One of the retailer partners for Streetlib is a Spanish company called 24Symbols. It operates as a subscription service, similar to Scribd or Kindle Unlimited, where for a monthly fee, you can read as many books as you want. (Bezos has gotten rich enough, don’t you think? It’s time to buy products from other retailers.)

What makes 24Symbols different, particularly for my books, is that it doesn’t reject incest erotica. So, it actually offers ALL of my books, not just the “tame” ones. I’ll be adding 24symbols links to each of my book pages. And gradually doing the same for the other retailers where Streetlib distributes my books.

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Are subscribers seeing this?

I was able to find a WordPress feature that let me migrate the 100+ subscribers from the old blog to this new one. But it appears that only makes the new blog visible to those folks in WP Reader, not by an email notification? So, I thought I’d put up a post to check this… If you are a former subscriber and see this, can you Like it and also re-subscribe to email notification to the right? If you did in fact receive an email notification, could you let me know that, too?

You might also want to subscribe to my separate newsletter via its own link.