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May 2022 Blog Status


Okay, between restoring the site to the domain and launching my own ebook store, May saw a big jump in blog hits compared to April (combining stats from both versions of the site). It was better than any month since August 2020, in fact. Plus a new daily high as well.

Each product added to the store counts as its own page, though, which means a visitor can hit more pages per visit, so that might also account for much of it. We’ll see what June’s numbers are like.

Hopefully, the store sells a book (or more) by then…

2 thoughts on “May 2022 Blog Status

  1. Good luck on your new venture. You kinda have a bit of a head wind with the economy as it is. Discretionary income has already begun to dwindle I am hearing.

    1. Thanks for the good wishes. The way I see it, setting up the store is free — it doesn’t increase my costs for running the website by even a penny. So, even if I sell ZERO copies here, I haven’t lost anything but some of my time. To me, that means there’s nothing but upside in doing it. Consumer demand for ebooks is going to affect my sales at retailers like Smashwords, Amazon and Barnes & Noble, too, but that’s not going to stop me from writing and publishing.

      Besides, I haven’t raised my book prices — I’m not part of the inflationary pressure folks are feeling, so hopefully I’m seen as a less-expensive entertainment option.

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